A truly international team with a proven track record and deep roots in each investment geography
NEVA Società di Gestione del Risparmio S.p.A. Registered office: Corso Castelfidardo 22, 10128 Turin. Share Capital €2,000,000.00. Turin Companies Registry Number and Tax Code 03576840288 Participating Company in VAT Group “Intesa Sanpaolo”. VAT Number 11991500015 (IT11991500015). AIF Managers Registry Number 39 Single-member company subject to the Management and Coordination of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and belonging to the “Intesa Sanpaolo” bank group enrolled in the Register of Banking Groups.
This website may contain marketing communication relating to the Funds managed by Neva SGR. Please refer to the offering documents of each Fund before making any final investment decision. The Funds are reserved to professional investors. For a complete list of risks and further information, please contact Neva SGR.
This website and its contents do not imply any contractual commitment, do not constitute a required disclosure document, nor an offer or solicitation to invest, nor an investment recommendation and are provided for information and marketing purposes only. The information provided herein is therefore of limited indicative value and is not sufficient to make investment decisions since it is incomplete as to the characteristics, the investment policy of the Funds and the nature and risks of the same.
The potential investor should independently assess the suitability of the investment in light of his or her own specific goals and circumstances, including the possible risks and returns of the investment, and consult his or her own tax, financial and legal advisors to make this assessment. Please note that financial investments may not be suitable for all investors as they may involve high risks for the investor. Funds are not simple products and can be difficult to understand.
Past performance and all information on the website do not predict future returns. Future performance is subject to taxation, which depends on the personal situation of each investor and which may change in the future. The purchase of financial products may involve fees and commissions.
This website and its contents are not intended for persons in jurisdictions where the promotion or offer of financial products is not authorized or to whom it is illegal to make such a promotion or offer.